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Abstract Syntax



The abstract syntax for Func.


Here is the abstract syntax for Func:

module demo::lang::Func::AST

data Prog = prog(list[Func] funcs);
data Func = func(str name, list[str] formals, Exp body);

data Exp
= let(list[Binding] bindings, Exp exp)
| cond(Exp cond, Exp then, Exp otherwise)
| var(str name)
| nat(int nat)
| call(str name, list[Exp] args)

| address(str var)
| deref(Exp exp)

| mul(Exp lhs, Exp rhs)
| div(Exp lhs, Exp rhs)
| add(Exp lhs, Exp rhs)
| sub(Exp lhs, Exp rhs)
| gt(Exp lhs, Exp rhs)
| lt(Exp lhs, Exp rhs)
| geq(Exp lhs, Exp rhs)
| leq(Exp lhs, Exp rhs)

| seq(Exp lhs, Exp rhs)
| assign(Exp lhs, Exp rhs)

data Binding = binding(str var, Exp exp);

Observe that the abstract syntax follows the structure of the ConcreteSyntax but omits details such as operator priorities, parentheses, and the like.