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Assembly language for Pico.


The Compiler will translate Pico programs into the following assembly language.

module demo::lang::Pico::Assembly

import demo::lang::Pico::Abstract;

data Instr
= dclNat(PicoId Id) // Reserve a memory location for a natural variable
| dclStr(PicoId Id) // Reserve a memory location for a string variable
| pushNat(int intCon) // Push integer constant on the stack
| pushStr(str strCon) // Push string constant on the stack
| rvalue(PicoId Id) // Push the value of a variable on the stack
| lvalue(PicoId Id) // Push the address of a variable on the stack
| assign() // Assign value on top, to variable at address top-1
| add2() // Replace top two stack values by their sum
| sub2() // Replace top two stack values by their difference
| conc2() // Replace top two stack values by their concatenation
| label(str label) // Associate a label with the next instruction
| go(str label) // Go to instruction with given label
| gotrue(str label) // Go to instruction with given label, if top equals 0
| gofalse(str label) // Go to instruction with given label, if top not equal to 0