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The runtime representation of Lisp programs and data.


There are several aspects of the runtime representation of Lisp programs and Lisp data that have to be described:

  • The representation of values (see Lval below).
  • The handling of the scope of variables (see Scope, Env, makeEnv and find below).
  • The way the interpreter returns its results (see Result below).
module demo::lang::Lisra::Runtime

import Prelude;

data Lval
= Integer(int n)
| Atom(str name)
| List(list[Lval] elms)
| Closure(Result(list[Lval] args, Env env))

alias Scope = map[Lval,Lval];
alias Env = list[Scope];

public Env emptyEnv = [()];

Env makeEnv(list[Lval] vars, list[Lval] values, Env outer) =
[(vars[i] : values[i] | i <- index(vars))] + outer;

int find(Lval sym, Env e){
for(n <- index(e))
return n;
return -1;

public Lval TRUE = Atom("#t");
public Lval FALSE = Atom("#f");

alias Result = tuple[Lval val, Env env];

  • ❶ The data type Lval takes care of the representation of Lisp values. It covers integers, atoms, lists and closures (the representation of a function and the context in which it will be executed).

  • ❷ A Scope describes the binding of several related variables to their value. Since scopes may be nested, an environment (Env) consisted of a list of scope. The most inner scope is at the start of the list and the most global one at the end.

  • ❸ Creating a new scope is done by makeEnv which takes a list of variables (represented by Lvals, in most cases this will be an atom like Atom("X")), a list of values and creates a new scope in front of the current environment.

  • ❹ The function find tries to locate the scope in which a name was previously defined. It searches the nested scopes inside-out and returns the index in the given environment of the scope in which the name is defined, or -1 if it is not found.

  • ❺ We define useful constants for true and false (the atoms #t and #f, respectively).

  • ❻ Finally, we define Result as a tuple of an Lval and an Env. Each step during interpretation will thus return the value it computed and a possibly modified environment.